Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chapters 3&5

Within chapter 3 Drug Use, Regulation, and the law, I learned allot of interesting things such as prescription drugs and OTC drugs, non-narcotic drugs were all OTC before WWII and FDA took over after many people died due to toxic products. Then there is the debate on legalizing drugs of all kinds by groups and individuals. Which is common in my opinion that that would just cause increased use and more addicts as well as violent crimes due to behavior while high or withdraw. It was interesting learn of all the different regulations and or acts created to help better control these drugs.
In this chapter i learned a few words like;
Inoculation- taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease. I learned that Inoculation can help with drug abuse prevention, protecting users by teaching them responsibility.
Interdiction- authoritative prohibition. I learned that Interdiction will help to reduce supply of drugs and alcohol brought in to America.

 Within chapter 5 how and why Drugs Work, I learned about drugs effects, the difference between drugs that are therapeutic and toxic as well as potency versus toxicity. Potency is basically the amount of the drug taken to receive the effect, while toxicity is the amount of the drug taken to actually effect the bodies normal functioning. Also learned about drug interaction as well as the different ways drugs are taken from inhalation, injection, pill form etc. drugs also effect you not just physically but also psychologically, and effects are not always temporary they can also be permanent. A lot of people don’t know that genetics can also be a factor in drug and alcohol addiction, quite interesting. I also learned a couple words in this chapter, such as;
Teratogenic- of or relating to substances or agents that can interfere with normal embryonic development. I learned that Teratogenic is a property in the drug that can cause effects to an unborn child.
I feel i did well in these two chapters, I read the material and feel i did good in my discussions and quiz.

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