Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chapters 1 & 2

Within chapter one i learned about different types of drugs and many names of drugs many i never even heard of and what they are used for along with effects. I never heard of people sniffing glue, gasoline, and paint thinner it’s completely unbelievable to me and no i don’t plan on ever trying it. I learned that drugs have been around a long time and new ones are created all the time also they are everywhere in many countries and many cultures use drugs as in their rituals and traditions. I got to watch a video on anti-depressants and how they work and found that many are ineffective but basically placebos, I guess the mind can be tricked. One of the videos is below:

Within chapter two i learned how some people live for their drugs and spend their lives not caring about anything but drugs. I learned theories of addiction, why people are addicted including biological which interested me; i never knew that, i wonder if it works in reverse. If your family never drank or did drugs can it be a guarantee you won’t? I learned about the low and high risk drug choices, low is keeping it under control, and high is over doing it.


I came across this and couldnt believe age 12-13 is using, then the 50-64+ are using, absolutely suprising to me.

I learned alot of words in these chapters, i will list three
Cannabis- another word for marijuana
Inebriety-  drunkenness; intoxication
Habituation-  being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming

I would say my participation in this module was pretty good, i read the chapters, did the discussions and passed the test as well as writting this blog. I do need to figure out away to read in peace due to my kids running around me in circles i at time do not remember everything i read, so i will work on that

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